EYE Project´s structure
The EYE project´s structure is based on 5 complementary Work Packages (WPs)
The scientific WPs (WP1 and WP2) incorporate the individual PhD projects. Each individual PhD project comprises two phases:
- Development
- Clinical research & Implementation
The complementary activities planned within WP3-WP5 provide a strong base for project´s implementation
New Contact Lenses for Presbyopia
Coordinated by Mark’ennovy and UCM: The main objective is to acquire an in-depth understanding of the advantages and drawbacks of the solutions currently available for presbyopia compensation. Moreover, new contact lenses prototypes will be developed (hopefully outperforming the current alternatives), aiming to meet the needs of the presbyopic population: “A comfortable contact lenses that provides good vision at all distances”
Project | PhD 1
New Optical Designs
Supervisors: N. Goodenough (Mark’ennovy) and D. Madrid-Costa (UCM), Coll.: J.M. López-Alonso (UCM)
The aim of this project is to create an optical design for CL with superior optical quality than current designs commercially available. To achieve this, the project will focus on designing new optical patterns on the front surface of the contact lenses capable of correcting both astigmatisms and presbyopia with pupil-independency and without the need for a cylinder and axis in the contact lenses.
After reviewing literature related to presbyopia and ocular changes with age ESR1 analysed different contact lens designs for presbyopia correction available in the market and compared different characteristics with the latest measuring instruments available.
In parallel, ESR1 investigated the use of characterization tools for optical engineering in the field of contact lenses applied for optical design programs. Based on these tools, ESR1 has been working on the optimization and improvement of contact lenses designs in schematic models of presbyopic eyes.
Currently, we continue the research in this lines focusing on new figures of merit with the implementation of contrast sensitivity models adapted to the different conditions of lens use.
Project | PhD 2
New Contact Lens Materials
Supervisors: P. Hainey (Mark’ennovy) and A. Crooke (UCM), Coll.: D. Madrid-Costa (UCM)
The main aim of this project is to develop non-silicone hydrogel contact lenses materials with high oxygen transmissibility and research propolis materials. This research topic will be performed at Mark’ennovy facilities.
ESR2’s worked mainly on the development of hydrogels with increased oxygen permeability.
After performing the literature review related to contact lens materials and their physical and chemical properties, several material have been identified.
These materials have been synthesised and characterised using techniques and equipment adapted to the contact lenses industry. In parallel, ESR2 started a selection of materials with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, and developed a simulation of oxygen tension across the cornea to further understand the impact of the lens wearing on tissue oxygenation.
Technological tools
Coordinated by D. Madrid-Costa (UCM) and M. González (Alain Afflelou). The research projects in this WP aim to develop tools capable of collecting and monitoring clinical parameters, patient-reported outcomes, and environmental conditions in a continuous manner throughout the patient’s different circumstances while they wear contact lenses. Thus, the clinician will get information about the behaviour of the contact lenses in the different environmental conditions to which patient is exposed and at different times of the day, and how comfortable the contact lenses are.
Project | PhD 3
Development and validation of the presbyopic contact lens Patient Reported Outcomes instrument (PRO instrument)
Supervisors: M González-Pérez (Alain Afflelou & UCM) and A. Díaz (Alain Afflelou) Coll.: J. Ruiz-Alcocer (UCM)
The aim of this project is to develop a specific patient-reported outcomes (PRO) instrument for measuring presbyopic contact lenses performance.
New PRO measurement approach known as a computer adaptive testing (CAT) system, as item banks implemented by CAT systems demonstrate superior precision and sensitivity compared to static PRO instruments.
The development of the new CAT-based PRO instrument will be performed between the AA and UCM teams.
ESR 3 started by performing a literature review on qualitative methodology used in patient reported outcomes instrument creation.
The following main sources for analysis were elected to ensure a better comprehension of the presbyopic condition: literature, existing relevant patient reported outcomes instruments and social media review, and focus group discussions, with presbyopic patients and optometric experts.
After a qualitative analysis, the item-bank was finished. Currently, ESR 3 is focused on the on-line pilot test creation.
Project | PhD 4
Computer modelling of eye response and adaptation to new contact lenses
Supervisors: J.M. López-Alonso (UCM) and I. Collado (Alain Afflelou) Coll.: A. Lorente-Veláquez (UCM)
The main aim of this project is to develop a computational eye model using a multi-physical approach capable of predicting the best contact lenses for each patient by simulating the contact lenses-ocular surface interaction in different conditions using the software model.
During the development phase an experimental protocol to characterize relevant parameters of the model will be prepared. The second phase will consist of creating a computational model for the adaptation of contact lenses using a multi-physical approach, based on software developed for this purpose (COMSOL Multi-physics®).
This type of software allows for mechanical, thermal, hydrodynamic and optical aspects to be simulated at the same time. The purpose of the computational model is to introduce a series of relevant parameters so the contact lenses-ocular surface interaction could be simulated for different conditions. As a result, an established computer test will perform a pre-adaptation to each patient for the correct fitting of the contact lenses.
ESR4 implemented the tear film dynamics through MATLAB software and identified different models dealing with different aspects of the eye and merged all these models into one multi-physics approach.
The tear film models were customized to include the real patient characteristics, also for contact lens wearers, that were measured using various imaging technologies. A step-by-step approach to the general model is necessary and ESR4 started with tear film simulation over the surface of the eye fully open and studied the influence of tear volume and evaporation. Tear film simulation including the blinking model considers the health of the patient’s eye (dry eye), tear volume, tear meniscus height, etc. The inclusion of the real blinking dynamics into the tear film model and the introduction of CLs, considering their material and geometric properties.
The influence of CL expands over different blinking models and requires a deep characterization of the blinking dynamics. The blinking characterization helps in the analysis of the finite element model of the human eye model with the contact lens, which is currently in progress.
Project | PhD 5
Development of e-Health instruments and technologies for Big Bata analysis in contact lens for presbyopia
Supervisors: J.M. López-Alonso (UCM) and M González (Alain Afflelou) Coll.: J.L. Hernández-Verdejo (UCM)
The prime objective of this project is to develop tools capable of collecting and monitoring clinical parameters, patient-reported outcomes and environmental conditions in a continuous manner throughout the patient’s different circumstances while they wear contact lenses.
Thus, the clinician would get information about the behaviour of the contact lenses in the different environmental conditions to which the patient is exposed at different times of the day and how comfortable they are.
To achieve this goal, ESR 5 will develop EYE: A Mobile App-Decision Based Support System. Java and Microsoft Band 2SDK will be used to program this mobile application-app.
ESR 5 is working on a development of a hybrid App with an interface video to collect patient eye physics and a connection to the air contamination database using the device location has been coded.
The app also includes an Instructions page, a monitored activity to be carried during the recording, an authentication service to secure the use of the app and a connection to a MySQL server is done to store the environmental data and to an FTP server to store the patient videos.
In parallel, an automatic connection was created to analyze the patient videos and store all the data. Using Matlab, the blink characteristics can be extracted using a self made image processing algorithm from the patient videos collected using the App, to study the effect of the contact lens.