

The primary objectives of EYE

1. To advance the scientific knowledge in the Vision Science in order to develop advanced presbyopic therapeutic solutions

which will positively impact the quality of the life of the patients. The specific scientific objectives include:

  • Improvement of the therapeutic solutions for the presbyopia based on the needs of each patient (personalized contact lenses).
  • Development of new technologies and tools capable of predicting the best contact lenses for each patient and monitoring the fitting process beyond the optometrist´s consultation room.

2. To train 5 early-stage researchers (ESRs)

providing them with knowledge in the state-of-the-art concepts and leading-edge research techniques essential to study the human eye’s behaviour, working experience in the private sector, as well as a solid professional networking for future career development.

All students will be enrolled into the PhD programme at UCM, which is one of the largest universities in Spain. 

The students will perform research projects under supervision of Principal Researchers representing the Partners of the EYE network, and will participate in training activities organised by the local and network level, involving complementary skills training.

The synergies among the partners are designed to provide an intersectorial and multidisciplinary training which will ensure opportunities for international mobility and increase employability.

3. To boost the impact and the international visibility of the EU funding

through the dissemination, communication and exploitation activities planned within the project, as well as establishment of a long-term synergic collaboration among academic and private sectors.

EYEH2020 European Young Eye


Management of presbyopia is a common challenge for clinicians, researchers and patients alike.

Presbyopia is most commonly compensated through bifocal and progressive addition spectacle lenses. However, it suffers from ergonomic and psychological disadvantages. Contact lenses are often better suited to modern lifestyles. However, there is currently no “perfect” contact lens for presbyopes that provides comfort and uncompromised simultaneous optical images for all distances.

Given the ubiquity and inevitability of presbyopia, there is a clear and urgent need for further research to develop new presbyopia correction strategies.

The EYE project aims to develop a new prototype of a comfortable contact lens that provides good vision at all distances to meet the needs of the presbyopic population.

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EYE Recruitment Form

Applications must contain a CV, motivation letter, publication list, contact information of two referees, copy of the Degree and Master title (when applicable). Add all documents in one ZIP.

EYE is the Responsible for the processing of the user’s personal data and informs them that these data will be processed in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, of April 27 (GDPR), and Organic Law 3 / 2018, of December 5 (LOPDGDD), for which the following treatment information is provided:

Purposes and legitimation of the treatment: maintain a commercial relationship (for the legitimate interest of the person in charge, art. 6.1.f GDPR) and the sending of communications of products or services (by consent of the interested party, art. 6.1.a GDPR).

Data conservation criteria: they will be kept for no longer than necessary to maintain the end of the treatment or while there are legal prescriptions that dictate their custody and when it is no longer necessary for this, they will be deleted with adequate security measures to guarantee anonymization of the data or the total destruction of the same.

Communication of the data: the data will not be communicated to third parties, except legal obligation. Rights that assist the user: right to withdraw consent at any time. Right of access, rectification, portability and deletion of your data, and of limitation or opposition to its treatment. Right to file a claim with the Control Authority (www.aepd.es) if you consider that the treatment does not comply with current regulations.

Contact information to exercise your rights: info@eye.eu